Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Begin the Journey

Anticipation looms as I board the US Airways flight to Paris via Philadelphia. Passport, travellers checks, cash, approriate reservations and tickets in hand, venturing into the french capitol is another momory about to be made.Taking a european vacation is something I do each spring, and i look forward to the planning and the eventual trip is all part of the vacation process.

After a long flight, some sleep on the plane and a wide-eyed enthusiasm, there is tourchown at Charles deGaulle Airport north of the city. the airport is a labrynth of concrete and people movingdevices. It is not like the airports I am used to for its creature comforts but serves its purpose. One of the largest in europe, the facility is grey and unwelcoming, but after the customs check and baggage loading on the carts, I am off to find my shuttle to the hotel in the city.

I use the shuttle as opposed to RoissyBus or Metro line, as it is less time consuming and a better way to see parts of the city usually not seen. Bluvan shuttles to hotels within Paris and is 37.50 Euro for two. Easily arranged online, the shuttle awaits and I am off to the city itself ( in about 45 minutes dependent upon traffic at the arrival time).

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