Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lets talk FOOD- (the Cost anyway)

Having a moment to record prices keeps costs in perspective. I am a coffee drinker (I call it plasma for my soul) so, I must account for it. Make no mistake, some parts of France and Europe are expensive even with the exchange rates. Plan for what you ENJOY and don't think about it. Let it happen and you will find it so much more pleasurable as you "rent" a table for as long as you choose to sit there- all for the price of a meal or an appetizer or simply a cup of coffee.

  • cafe noir- (black coffee)- 2.40- 4.00 e
  • cafe creme or cafe chocolate chaud- with milk 4.50 e
  • Gratinee L'Onion- (Onion soup)- 8.00-9.50e
  • Quiche Lorraine- 8.00-100e
  • Saucisses and Frites (Sausages and Fries)- 10.00-12.00e
  • Salade and Frites- 10.00e

le Marche Franprix ( grocery store rather like a 7-11)

  • fruit- .65e each
  • 4 Jambon (slices of Ham)- 2.75e
  • Mayo tube- .75e
  • Volvic Bottled Water- .63e
  • Bread- 14 slices- 1.99e
  • Milk- 1.25e
  • Chocolate bar or candies- ANY price suits me...

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